Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dec 9, 2008It's officialI have been noticing a startling phenomenon lately. At first I chalked it up to people shmoozing me for better tips as they performed various services on my behalf. Then I thought it might be the spirit of the season. It hit me this afternoon as I freaked out and had to return THE most important and most commented upon and most asked for gift, and find a replacement. I was stressed, impatient, and trying my best to just be calm and friendly. And to hold my face so I didn't look mad. {A certain six-year-old has taken to asking me often: "Are you mad?" "No darling, my face just does this when I'm thinking." What the ?!!}A recent early morning photo suddenly reared its ugly head in my memory as I waited in line for about the 9th time today. People have been calling me "dear," "Hon," and "Sweetie!" Men, women, younger, older (I somehow thought I was their age-ish...) all have been using endearments on me in public places. I don't live in a place where that is part of the vernacular. Instead, it's "Sister" this and "Brother" that if you're part of the incrowd in Zion. Which I am decidedly NOT. So I can only draw one stunning conclusion: It's happened! I'm officially OLD. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, it lowers the bar somewhat. On the other hand, I'm REALLY not done yet, not close, and will go kicking and screaming and cursing into the 'home' (or onto the ice floe, as my beloved children have asserted may happen when I become Too Much Trouble.) My mortality became a constant nagging shadowy presence 16 years ago when an oncologist had to break some ugly news to me, but decades become years, and finally years become less than that. And suddenly people you don't know are calling you "Sweetie." I'll get back to you on my 99th birthday in several decades from now, and let you know how it's going.Peace to you, and time well spent. dd

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